Martha Stewart Flan Recipe

Martha Stewart Flan Recipe

Martha Stewart’s Flan Recipe brings culinary delight with simple yet exquisite ingredients. With sugar for the caramel and whole milk, this recipe promises a sumptuous treat. The preparation time is around 50 minutes, yielding a delicious flan that serves as a delightful dessert.

More Martha Stewart Recipe:

💗 Why You’ll Love This Flan Recipe:

  • Simplicity: Martha Stewart’s flan recipe is easy to follow with clear instructions.
  • Rich Flavor: Indulge in the rich and creamy taste of this decadent flan.
  • Minimal Ingredients: You’ll love that it requires only a few basic ingredients.

❓ What Is Martha Stewart Flan Recipe?

Martha Stewart’s Flan Recipe combines sugar for caramel, whole milk, sugar, eggs, egg yolks, salt, and vanilla extract. 

Martha Stewart Flan Recipe
Martha Stewart Flan Recipe

🥚 Martha Stewart Flan Ingredients

For the Caramel:

  • ½ cup sugar

For the Custard

  • 4 cups whole milk
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 5 large whole eggs, plus 5 large egg yolks
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt
  • ¼ teaspoon pure vanilla extract

🍮 How To Make Martha Stewart Flan

  1. Warm the oven up to 325 degrees. Near the stove, put a small bowl of cold water and a pastry brush. In a big baking pan, put a 9-inch cake pan. Warm up a big pot or kettle of water.
  2. Stir sugar and 3 tablespoons of water together in a pot over medium-high heat. Don’t stir again. To keep crystals from forming, wash down the sides of the pan with a pastry brush dipped in water as you cook. 
  3. Cover with a lid that fits tightly and turn the pan to make the color even. Cook until the caramel is amber, which should take about 8 minutes. Pour into the cake pan and swirl to cover the bottom evenly.
  4. Put milk and 1/2 cup of sugar in a small pot. Heat over medium-low heat. Stir the mixture often. Wait 5 to 6 minutes, or until it starts to steam and bubble around the edges. Do not let it boil.
  5. While that is going on, in a big bowl, whisk together the eggs, yolks, salt, and the last 1/2 cup of sugar. Pour a ladleful of the hot milk mixture into the egg mixture and mix it with a whisk. (This keeps the eggs from curdling and is called cooking.) 
  6. One at a time, add two more ladles of the milk mixture and whisk to mix after each addition. Add the rest of the milk mixture slowly while whisking. Through a fine sieve into a big measuring cup or bowl. This will get rid of any cooked egg bits. Add vanilla and stir.
  7. Put the custard in the cake pan. Put the pan in the oven. As the water boils, add enough to reach halfway up the sides of the pan. About 50 minutes into the baking, the custard should be just set (it should shake a little in the middle when you shake it).
  8. Take the pan out of the oven. With care, take the pan out of the hot water bath and set it on a wire rack for 30 minutes.
  9.  Put it in the fridge for at least 8 hours, or up to 3 days, with plastic wrap on top. Run a sharp knife around the flan to get it out of the mold, then flip a plate with a rim over it and put it on top. 
  10. Turn the pan over and carefully lift it out. Serve right away.

💭 Recipe Tips:

  • Freshness Matters: Use crisp and fresh cabbage and carrots for the best texture and flavor.
  • Balance Colors: Opt for a mix of red and green cabbage to enhance the visual appeal of your coleslaw.
  • Uniform Cuts: Ensure even shredding of cabbage and consistent julienning of carrots for a well-balanced slaw.
  • Mayo Consistency: Adjust mayonnaise quantity based on personal preference, ensuring the coleslaw is creamy but not overly saturated.
Martha Stewart Flan Recipe
Martha Stewart Flan Recipe

☕ What To Serve With Flan?

Serve Flan with fresh berries, whipped cream, mint leaves, caramel sauce, toasted almonds, chocolate shavings, citrus zest, crème fraîche, espresso, or coffee for a delightful culinary experience.

🎚 How To Store Leftovers Flan?

  • Refrigerate: Cover the cooled flan with plastic wrap or place it in an airtight container store in the fridge for up to 4-5 days.
  • Freeze: Wrap the cooled flan well and freeze for up to 1 month. Thaw in the fridge before serving. Texture may change slightly after freezing.

Can I Heat Leftovers Flan?

Flan is best enjoyed cold and doesn’t require reheating. Heating may alter its delicate texture and caramel topping, so it’s typically served chilled straight from the refrigerator.


How Can I Prevent The Custard From Curdling?

Gradually add hot milk to eggs while whisking, preventing curdling strain through a fine sieve to eliminate any cooked egg bits for a smooth custard.

Can You Use A Different Type Of Milk In The Custard?

Yes, experiment with milk alternatives for a unique flavor adjusting the type of milk allows customization of Martha Stewart’s Flan.

How Do I Avoid Water From Getting Into The Custard During The Water Bath?

Handle the pan with care to prevent water from dripping into the custard when removing it from the hot water bath, preserving the desired texture.

Why Is It Essential To Use A Fine Sieve When Straining The Custard Mixture?

A fine sieve is crucial for a smooth texture it filters out any cooked egg bits, ensuring a flawless consistency in Martha Stewart’s Flan.

More Martha Stewart Recipe:

Martha Stewart Flan Nutrition Fact

  • Calories: 274
  • Total Fat: 4.6g
  • Saturated Fat: 2.7g
  • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.2g
  • Monounsaturated Fat: 1.3g
  • Cholesterol: 19mg
  • Sodium: 301mg
  • Total Carbohydrates 50g
  • Dietary Fiber: 0g
  • Sugars: 0g
  • Protein: 8g
  • Potassium: 433.6mg

Martha Stewart Flan Recipe

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 10 minutesCook time: 58 minutesRest time:8 hours Total time:9 hours 8 minutesServings:4 servingsCalories:274 kcal Best Season:Available


Martha Stewart’s Flan Recipe brings culinary delight with simple yet exquisite ingredients. With sugar for the caramel and whole milk, this recipe promises a sumptuous treat. The preparation time is around 50 minutes, yielding a delicious flan that serves as a delightful dessert.


    For the Caramel:

  • For the Custard:


  1. Warm the oven up to 325 degrees. Near the stove, put a small bowl of cold water and a pastry brush. In a big baking pan, put a 9-inch cake pan. Warm up a big pot or kettle of water.
  2. Stir sugar and 3 tablespoons of water together in a pot over medium-high heat. Don’t stir again. To keep crystals from forming, wash down the sides of the pan with a pastry brush dipped in water as you cook. 
  3. Cover with a lid that fits tightly and turn the pan to make the color even. Cook until the caramel is amber, which should take about 8 minutes. Pour into the cake pan and swirl to cover the bottom evenly.
  4. Put milk and 1/2 cup of sugar in a small pot. Heat over medium-low heat. Stir the mixture often. Wait 5 to 6 minutes, or until it starts to steam and bubble around the edges. Do not let it boil.
  5. While that is going on, in a big bowl, whisk together the eggs, yolks, salt, and the last 1/2 cup of sugar. Pour a ladleful of the hot milk mixture into the egg mixture and mix it with a whisk. (This keeps the eggs from curdling and is called cooking.) 
  6. One at a time, add two more ladles of the milk mixture and whisk to mix after each addition. Add the rest of the milk mixture slowly while whisking. Through a fine sieve into a big measuring cup or bowl. This will get rid of any cooked egg bits. Add vanilla and stir.
  7. Put the custard in the cake pan. Put the pan in the oven. As the water boils, add enough to reach halfway up the sides of the pan. About 50 minutes into the baking, the custard should be just set (it should shake a little in the middle when you shake it).
  8. Take the pan out of the oven. With care, take the pan out of the hot water bath and set it on a wire rack for 30 minutes.
  9. Turn the pan over and carefully lift it out. Serve right away.
  10.  Put it in the fridge for at least 8 hours, or up to 3 days, with plastic wrap on top. Run a sharp knife around the flan to get it out of the mold, then flip a plate with a rim over it and put it on top. 


  • Freshness Matters: Use crisp and fresh cabbage and carrots for the best texture and flavor.
    Balance Colors: Opt for a mix of red and green cabbage to enhance the visual appeal of your coleslaw.
    Uniform Cuts: Ensure even shredding of cabbage and consistent julienning of carrots for a well-balanced slaw.
    Mayo Consistency: Adjust mayonnaise quantity based on personal preference, ensuring the coleslaw is creamy but not overly saturated.
Keywords:Martha Stewart Flan Recipe

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