Martha Stewart Fish Burger

Martha Stewart Fish Burger

Martha Stewart’s Fish Burger is a delicious treat that was made with great care. With a mix of hake or cod and quick-pickled red onions, this recipe offers a big taste. It takes less than two hours to make and makes eight serves. 

More Martha Stewart Recipe:

💗 Why You’ll Love This Fish Burger Recipe:

  • Succulent Fish Patties: Dive into a world of mouthwatering goodness with these fish patties. Each bite is a journey through flaky perfection, bringing the ocean’s succulence to your plate.
  • Tangy Quick-Pickled Red Onions: Elevate your taste experience with a zing of tanginess. The quick-pickled red onions add a burst of vibrant flavor, dancing on your palate in perfect harmony.
  • Perfect Blend of Capers and Chives: Unleash a symphony of taste with the impeccable fusion of capers and chives. The marriage of briny capers and fresh chives creates a melody that delights the senses.

❓ What Is Martha Stewart Fish Burger Recipe?

Martha Stewart’s Fish Burger Recipe combines coarsely chopped hake or cod with eggs, breadcrumbs, capers, chives, and a dash of cayenne pepper. Form into 3½-inch patties, cook until golden brown, and serve in toasted brioche buns with a mayo-mustard blend.

Martha Stewart Fish Burger
Martha Stewart Fish Burger

🥠 Martha Stewart Fish Burger Ingredients

Quick-Pickled Red Onions (2 Cups):

  • 2 small red onions, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup rice wine vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon kosher salt

Fish Burgers:

  • 2½ pounds skinless hake or cod, coarsely chopped
  • 2 large eggs, beaten
  • 1/3 cup plus 1/2 cup mayonnaise, divided
  • 1½ cups fresh breadcrumbs
  • 1/4 cup capers, coarsely chopped
  • 1/4 cup minced fresh chives
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for brushing
  • 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
  • 8 brioche buns, split
  • watercress sprigs, for serving

🍔 How To Make Martha Stewart Fish Burger

For the Quick-Pickled Red Onions:

  1. Put onions in a medium-sized bowl that can handle heat. Heal the vinegar, sugar, and salt in a pot. Then, pour the mixture over the onions.
  2. Allow to completely cool. Refrigerate for at least two hours and up to one month with the lid on.

For the Fish Burgers:

  1. Put the fish, eggs, breadcrumbs, capers, chives, salt, and cayenne pepper in a big bowl. 
  2. Make 8 patties, each about 3½ inches across. In the fridge, covered, for at least one hour and up to eight hours.2. Put one tablespoon of oil in a big, heavy pan and heat it over medium-high heat. 
  3. It will take about 10 minutes of cooking, flipping the burgers once, until they are golden brown and fully cooked. Do this again with the rest of the burgers and oil.3. Mix the last 1/2 cup of mayonnaise and mustard together. 
  4. Brush oil on the split sides of the buns and toast them briefly in a pan. buns with burgers, red onions, and greens on top of them.

💭 Recipe Tips

  • Chill for Flavor Fiesta: Let the fishy crew mingle in the fridge’s cool embrace. As they chill, flavors dance, creating a taste symphony that’ll make your buds salsa.
  • Heavy Pan Heroics: Arm your fish patties with a heavyweight champ pan. This culinary gladiator ensures an even tan, turning burgers into golden warriors for dinner glory.
  • Oil Spa for Buns: Spoil your buns with an oil spa day. On the hot grill, a crispy makeover unfolds. Each oil brushstroke is a massage, turning buns into crunchy canvases for your burger masterpiece.
Martha Stewart Fish Burger
Martha Stewart Fish Burger

🥑 What To Serve With Fish Burger?

Pair Fish Burger with a side of crispy sweet potato fries, Zesty Coleslaw, Avocado Salsa, Grilled Corn on the Cob, Garlic Parmesan Roasted Broccoli.

🎚 How To Store Leftovers Fish Burger?

  • In the fridge: Store your leftovers Fish Burgers in an airtight container for up to 2 days.
  • In the freezer: Leftover Fish Burgers can be frozen in a sealed bag for up to 2 months.

🥵 How To Reheat Leftovers Fish Burger?

  • In the oven: Reheat your leftover Fish Burgers in the oven for 15 minutes at 350°F. 
  • In the microwave: You can Heat leftover Fish Burgers on high for 2 minutes.
  • In the air-fryer: leftover Fish Burgers can be reheated in the air-fry  for 10 minutes at 375°F.


How Do You Pickle Red Onions Quickly?

To pickle red onions quickly, heat a mixture of rice wine vinegar, granulated sugar, and kosher salt, then pour it over thinly sliced red onions in a heat-resistant bowl. Refrigerate for at least two hours before serving.

Can I Use A Different Type Of Fish for the Burgers?

Yes, you can use other firm white fish such as halibut, grouper, or snapper instead of hake or cod for the burgers.

How Do I Know When The Fish Burgers Are Fully Cooked?

The fish burgers are fully cooked when they are golden brown and reach an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C), usually after about 10 minutes of cooking over medium-high heat, flipping once.

Can I Prepare The Pickled Red Onions With Less Sugar For A Lower Sweetness Level?

Yes, you can reduce the amount of granulated sugar in the pickling liquid to achieve a less sweet flavor for the pickled red onions.

Try More Martha Stewart Recipe:

Martha Stewart Fish Burger Nutrition Facts

  • Calories: 160
  • Total Fat: 8g
  • Saturated Fat: 0.5g
  • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Polyunsaturated Fat: 2g
  • Monounsaturated Fat: 4.5g
  • Cholesterol: 25mg
  • Sodium: 270mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 15g
  • Dietary Fiber: 0g
  • Sugars: 1g:
  • Protein: 7g
  • Calcium: 26mg
  • Iron: 1.4mg

Martha Stewart Fish Burger

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 15 minutesCook time: 20 minutesRest time: 40 minutesTotal time:1 hour 15 minutesServings:8 servingsCalories:160 kcal Best Season:Available


Martha Stewart’s Fish Burger is a delicious treat that was made with great care. With a mix of hake or cod and quick-pickled red onions, this recipe offers a big taste. It takes less than two hours to make and makes eight serves.


    Quick-Pickled Red Onions (2 Cups)

  • Fish Burgers


    For the Quick-Pickled Red Onions:

  1. Put onions in a medium-sized bowl that can handle heat. Heal the vinegar, sugar, and salt in a pot. Then, pour the mixture over the onions.
  2. Allow to completely cool. Refrigerate for at least two hours and up to one month with the lid on.
  3. For the Fish Burgers:

  4. Put the fish, eggs, breadcrumbs, capers, chives, salt, and cayenne pepper in a big bowl. 
  5. Make 8 patties, each about 3½ inches across. In the fridge, covered, for at least one hour and up to eight hours.2. Put one tablespoon of oil in a big, heavy pan and heat it over medium-high heat. 
  6. It will take about 10 minutes of cooking, flipping the burgers once, until they are golden brown and fully cooked. Do this again with the rest of the burgers and oil.3. Mix the last 1/2 cup of mayonnaise and mustard together. 
  7. Brush oil on the split sides of the buns and toast them briefly in a pan. buns with burgers, red onions, and greens on top of them.


  • Chill for Flavor Fiesta: Let the fishy crew mingle in the fridge’s cool embrace. As they chill, flavors dance, creating a taste symphony that’ll make your buds salsa.
    Heavy Pan Heroics: Arm your fish patties with a heavyweight champ pan. This culinary gladiator ensures an even tan, turning burgers into golden warriors for dinner glory.
    Oil Spa for Buns: Spoil your buns with an oil spa day. On the hot grill, a crispy makeover unfolds. Each oil brushstroke is a massage, turning buns into crunchy canvases for your burger masterpiece.
Keywords:Martha Stewart Fish Burger

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