Martha Stewart Butter Cookies Recipe

Martha Stewart Butter Cookies Recipe

Start your cooking trip with Martha Stewart’s Butter Cookies, which are a perfect mix of sugar, unsalted butter, and flour. Within a little more than an hour, these tasty treats were made, showing off the art of simplicity while offering a symphony of tastes and textures in every delicious bite.

More Martha Stewart Recipe:

💛 Why You’ll Love This Butter Cookies Recipe:

  • Buttery Bliss: These cookies are so rich and soft that they will melt in your mouth.
  • Easy Elegance: Enjoy the pleasure of baking perfectly with simple steps.
  • Versatile Treat: These cookies are great for any event, from casual snacks to big parties.

❓ What Is Martha Stewart Butter Cookies Recipe?

Martha Stewart Butter Cookies is made with flour, unsalted butter, sugar, egg yolks, and a dash of vanilla extract. The result Heavenly cookies with a hint of sweetness.

Martha Stewart Butter Cookies Recipe
Martha Stewart Butter Cookies Recipe

🧈 Martha Stewart Butter Cookies Ingredients

  • 2 cups flour 240g
  • 1/2 tsp salt 3g
  • 1 cup unsalted butter 227g
  • 1/2 cup sugar 100g
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract 5mL
  • 1/3 cup sanding sugar

🍪 How To Make Martha Stewart Butter Cookies

  1. Let the stand mixer take the lead, guiding butter, salt, and sugar into a whimsical dance until they reach a crescendo of light and fluffy perfection.
  2. Introduce the egg yolks into the mixer’s rhythm, creating a symphony of richness. Pause to sweep the bowl’s edges, ensuring every note is in harmony.
  3. Add 2 tsp of vanilla extract, the sweet conductor orchestrating an aromatic euphony in the mixture.
  4. Pour in the flour mixture, and let the mixer weave its magic, seamlessly incorporating the elements into a delicious composition.
  5. Shape the dough into a log, wrapping it in parchment or plastic for a mystical rest in the refrigerator. Elevate the enchantment by placing it snugly in an empty cardboard paper towel roll, preventing any magical flattening.
  6. Once the dough is chilled, unveil it onto a sugary canvas. Roll it in sanding sugar, casting a sweet spell over its surface.
  7. With a sharp knife, conjure slices of even thickness, each bearing the mark of a delicious enchantment.
  8. Place these magical creations on a parchment-lined baking sheet, letting them pirouette in the oven at 350F for 10-12 minutes. Witness the edges delicately turning golden brown, the grand finale of this enchanting symphony.

💭 Recipe Tips:

  • Precise Measurements: Use accurate measurements to maintain the right balance of flavors and textures.
  • Softening Butter: Allow the butter to soften naturally at room temperature for a light and fluffy consistency.
  • Thorough Mixing: Use a stand mixer with a paddle tool for thorough mixing, creating a uniform and airy batter.
Martha Stewart Butter Cookies Recipe
Martha Stewart Butter Cookies Recipe

🍨 What To Serve With Butter Cookies?

Butter Cookies can be served with classic tea, coffee, or a glass of cold milk elevate the experience with ice cream, fresh berries, or a dollop of whipped cream, and create cozy moments with spiced chai or hot cocoa.

🎚 How To Store Leftover Butter Cookies?

  • In the fridge: Keep Leftover Butter Cookies in an airtight container for up to a week.
  • In the freezer: You can serve Leftover Butter Cookies in a sealed bag for extended freshness.

🥵How To Reheat Leftovers Butter Cookies?

  • In the Oven: Place Leftovers Butter Cookies on a baking sheet and reheat them for 3 minutes at 325°F.
  • In the Microwave: For a quick fix, place Leftovers Butter Cookies on a microwave-safe plate and heat for 2 minutes.
  • In the Air-Fryer: Place Leftovers Butter Cookies in the Air-Fryer for 4 minutes at 325°F.


How Do I Prevent The Cookies From Sticking To The Baking Sheet?

To prevent sticking, ensure the baking sheet is lined with parchment paper before placing the cookies. This not only prevents sticking but also facilitates easy removal and cleanup.

Can I Use Salted Butter Instead of Unsalted In The Recipe?

While possible, it’s recommended to use unsalted butter this allows better control over the overall saltiness, ensuring the perfect balance of flavors in Butter Cookies.

How Can I Avoid The Cookies Becoming Too Flat During Baking?

To maintain thickness and prevent flattening, shape the dough into a log before chilling. Placing it inside an empty wooden paper towel roll during chilling helps preserve its form and structure.

Why Is It Crucial To Roll The Dough In Sugar After Chilling?

Rolling the chilled dough in sanding sugar not only adds a sweet exterior but also contributes to a delightful crunch. This step enhances both the taste and texture of the final cookies.

More Martha Stewart Recipe:

Martha Stewart Butter Cookies Nutrition Fact:

  • Calories: 102kcal  
  • Carbohydrates: 27g 
  • Protein: 3g 
  • Fat: 8g 
  • Saturated Fat: 5g 
  • Cholesterol: 34mg 
  • Sodium: 80mg 
  • Potassium: 30mg 
  • Fiber: 1g 
  • Sugar: 8g 
  • Calcium: 7mg 
  • Iron: 1mg

Martha Stewart Butter Cookies Recipe

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 15 minutesCook time: 12 minutesRest time: minutesTotal time: 27 minutesServings:48 servingsCalories:102 kcal Best Season:Available


Start your cooking trip with Martha Stewart’s Butter Cookies, which are a perfect mix of sugar, unsalted butter, and flour. Within a little more than an hour, these tasty treats were made, showing off the art of simplicity while offering a symphony of tastes and textures in every delicious bite.



  1. Let the stand mixer take the lead, guiding butter, salt, and sugar into a whimsical dance until they reach a crescendo of light and fluffy perfection.
  2. Introduce the egg yolks into the mixer’s rhythm, creating a symphony of richness. Pause to sweep the bowl’s edges, ensuring every note is in harmony.
  3. Add 2 tsp of vanilla extract, the sweet conductor orchestrating an aromatic euphony in the mixture.
  4. Pour in the flour mixture, and let the mixer weave its magic, seamlessly incorporating the elements into a delicious composition.
  5. Shape the dough into a log, wrapping it in parchment or plastic for a mystical rest in the refrigerator. Elevate the enchantment by placing it snugly in an empty cardboard paper towel roll, preventing any magical flattening.
  6. Once the dough is chilled, unveil it onto a sugary canvas. Roll it in sanding sugar, casting a sweet spell over its surface.
  7. With a sharp knife, conjure slices of even thickness, each bearing the mark of a delicious enchantment.
  8. Place these magical creations on a parchment-lined baking sheet, letting them pirouette in the oven at 350F for 10-12 minutes. Witness the edges delicately turning golden brown, the grand finale of this enchanting symphony.


  • Precise Measurements: Use accurate measurements to maintain the right balance of flavors and textures.
    Softening Butter: Allow the butter to soften naturally at room temperature for a light and fluffy consistency.
    Thorough Mixing: Use a stand mixer with a paddle tool for thorough mixing, creating a uniform and airy batter.
Keywords:Martha Stewart Butter Cookies Recipe

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